Open Data Release Schedule

This page gives an indication of the data release patterns and/or dates for the datasets published on the Open Data Portal.

The NHSBSA Data Services team also publish a comprehensive data release calendar on our website which includes information and dates on many of the prescription and dental data releases.

You can subscribe to notification emails if you register on our site. You will receive email notifications when new data is added or updates are made to any dataset that you follow.

Dataset Release pattern
Consolidated Pharmaceutical List Quarterly
Pharmacy Openings and Closures Monthly - 4th of each month
English Prescribing Dataset Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
English Prescribing Dataset with SNOMED code Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Secondary Care Medicines Dataset with Indicative Price Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Secondary Care Medicines Dataset Retired - no new data to be added
Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) Monthly Administrative Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) Annual Statistics Yearly
Hospital Prescribing Dispensed in the Community Monthly
Open Data Portal Usage Monthly - first working day of month
English Contractor Monthly General Dental Activity Monthly - 15th of each month
English Contractor Monthly Orthodontic Activity Monthly - 15th of each month
English Contractor Monthly General Dental and Orthodontic Contractual Dataset Monthly - 15th of each month
Prescriber Details Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Dispensing Practice Name and Address Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Contractor Details Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds Monthly - actual and planned dates on main NHSBSA site
Pharmacy Quality Scheme Data 2022/23 One off release August 2023
National Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23 One off release May 2024
Regional Performer by Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) Delivery for Financial Years 2016-17 to 2022-23 One off release May 2024
Dental Activity Delivered by Newly Qualified Foundation Dentists One off release May 2024
Hormone Replacement Therapy Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) Volumes One off release May 2024
NHSBSA Commercial Pipeline Quarterly
Missing Scottish Dispensing Data One off release September 2024
Immigration Health Surcharge (Digital Application) Key Performance Indicators – Health and Care Quarterly - Second month of the following quarter (e.g. Q3 data will be released in February)
Immigration Health Surcharge (Digital Application) Key Performance Indicators – Students Quarterly - Second month of the following quarter (e.g. Q3 data will be released in February)
Overseas Healthcare Services - Cost Recovery key performance indicators Quarterly - Second month of the following quarter (e.g. Q4 data will be released in May)
Dental Recovery Plan Data TBA