Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds



Dispensing Contractors

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Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds

The Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds dataset shows the total payment amount for FP57 refunds pharmacy contract payments and the total number of pharmacies receiving FP57 refunds pharmacy contract payments for each Integrated Care Board (ICB). This data is published monthly.

You can view all definitions for the fields included in the dataset in the Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds data dictionary (XLSX: 12KB)

This dataset was previously named Pharmacy Contract when it was published on the NHSBSA Information Services Portal. Changes have been made to the data since migration to the Open Data Portal and you can read about these changes in the Pharmacy Contract migration changes documentation (ODT: 217KB).

You can also read more about the FP57 refund procedure in the NHS Electronic Drug Tariff

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Field Value
Contact NHSBSA Data Services support team
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated July 8, 2024, 13:03 (UTC)
Created August 17, 2023, 08:07 (UTC)