Coming Soon: New Finalised SCMD Dataset with Indicative Pricing We are improving how Secondary Care Medicine Data (SCMD) is published to enhance clarity and accessibility....
Coming Soon: New Dataset for Finalised Secondary Care Medicine Data (SCMD) with Indicative Pricing We are improving how Secondary Care Medicine Data (SCMD) is...
This dataset is retired This now retired dataset provides Secondary Care Medicines data on processed pharmacy stock control data in NHS Trusts across England. For regularly...
The Pharmacy Contract - FP57 refunds dataset shows the total payment amount for FP57 refunds pharmacy contract payments and the total number of pharmacies receiving FP57 refunds...
The pharmacy opening and closures data set shows the numbers of pharmacies in England that are included on a Pharmaceutical List held by NHS England on the last calendar day of...
This dataset consolidates the pharmaceutical lists which NHS England has a regulatory duty to prepare, maintain and publish for each Health and Wellbeing Board area. This...
This dataset contains transaction and usage data on the Open Data Portal. We are sharing this dataset so that everyone can see what data is being viewed, downloaded and used...
Dataset Description The Contractor Details dataset is published monthly and contains a list of pharmacy and appliance contractors includes contractors for England, Wales, Isle...
The Dispensing Practice Name and Address dataset is produced monthly and provides the name and address details of dispensing practices for each primary care organisation at Sub...
The Prescriber Details dataset provides information on prescribers such as the prescriber code, prescriber name, prescriber type and details of the employing practices. This...
Dataset Description In line with Standard 10 of the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO), this dataset provides performance data for the Overseas Healthcare Services - Cost...
Dataset Description The dataset provides details of the NHSBSA’s planned procurement activity for any goods or service with an anticipated value of £10,000 or more. The data...
We have worked with NHS Improvement (now NHS England) to produce a dataset on prescribing in a hospital setting which has been dispensed in the community. The data is related to...
PCA contains information on all prescriptions items dispensed in the community in England on a monthly basis and submitted to the NHSBSA for reimbursement. This data mirrors the...
This dataset contains information on prescriptions issued in England that have been dispensed in England, Wales, Scotland, Guernsey, Alderney, Jersey, and the Isle of Man. The...
The English Prescribing Data set contains detailed information on prescriptions issued in England that have been dispensed in England, Wales, Scotland, Guernsey, Alderney,...
Dataset Description This dataset allows you to look at the commissioned activity and contractual payments for all NHS Dental Services provided for each financial year, at...
Dataset Description The English Contractor Monthly General Dental Activity dataset provides information about the general dental activity carried out by dentists on behalf of...
Dataset Description The English Contractor Monthly Orthodontic Activity dataset provides information about the orthodontic dental activity carried out by dentists on behalf of...
Dataset Description The Pharmacy Quality Scheme (PQS) is a component of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF). PQS aims to support the delivery of the NHS Long...
Dataset Description In compliance with Standard 10 of the Central Digital and Data Office (CCDO), this dataset provides the performance data for the Immigration Health Surcharge...
Dataset Description In compliance with Standard 10 of the Central Digital and Data Office (CCDO), this dataset provides the performance data for the Immigration Health Surcharge...
Dataset Description This ad hoc release provides information on prescriptions prescribed in England and dispensed in Scotland monthly between June 2023 and June 2024. The NHSBSA...
The PCA release is an Official Statistic with National Statistic designation. The lowest granularity of data in the publication for both financial and calendar year is added...
Dataset Description This dataset comprises information on dentists in England who were on the performers list and delivered NHS care in the financial years 2016-17 to 2022-23....