August 17, 2023, 07:44 (UTC)
Request How many Dental claims have been rejected under the 2 month rule since 2006 What is the total number of UDA’s of these claims What is the total amount of patient charges...
August 16, 2023, 14:44 (UTC)
Request Could you please provide me with details of the NHS Pensions Auditors: 1. Company name 2. Main contact with company 3. Address of company 4. Telephone number of company...
August 15, 2023, 12:13 (UTC)
Request I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below. 22_09_07 Email Communications and...
August 4, 2023, 12:01 (UTC)
Request 1) How many claims have been made to the VDPS due to an adverse reaction to a covid vaccine to date? 2)How many claimants have been notified of an outcome? 3)How...
August 14, 2023, 13:17 (UTC)
Thank you for your request for information about the following: I am researching how embedded gender critical discourse is within the UK government. The Cabinet Office have...
August 14, 2023, 10:59 (UTC)
Thank you for your request for information about the following: This FOIA request relates to unpaid penalty charges which were levied since 1 January 2019 in relation to...
August 14, 2023, 10:07 (UTC)
Request 1.Is your dm+d browser > Search > Results > Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) > Suppliers database take data also from Mhra Product License number suppliers...
August 11, 2023, 13:42 (UTC)
Thank you for your request for information about the following: I am looking for an UK National Regional Comprehensive list of all Pharmacies with the information below, also if...
August 11, 2023, 09:47 (UTC)
Request Hello, many thanks for making available the dataset at https://opendata.nhsbsa.net/dataset/consolidated-pharmaceutical-list Could I please ask for additional data that...