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Themes: Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

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  • September 20, 2024, 14:06 (UTC)


    Request Can you please provide me with all the NHS Pension guidance provided to Local authorities (as the new employer) relating to the transfer of Public health...

  • September 19, 2024, 13:52 (UTC)


    I am writing in connection with your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, which was received by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA)...

  • September 19, 2024, 13:43 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request You asked us: For the financial year 22/23, would it be possible to request data held on primary cate...

  • September 19, 2024, 11:00 (UTC)


    Request Thank you for providing a response to my FOI request. (FOI-02096) Can you please confirm your definition of “officer” and provide a breakdown of which types of members...

  • September 19, 2024, 10:44 (UTC)


    Request ‘On the list of exemptions on the FP17PR, how many people ticked the box that says: “Patient/partner gets income-based Job Seekers Allowance” In the 22/23 financial...

  • September 19, 2024, 10:28 (UTC)


    Request You asked us: I would like to request the contact details for all registered pharmacies in UK. Their contact details MUST include the following details in Excel format...

  • September 19, 2024, 10:18 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request I am asking for information on specific British National Formulary (BNF) 1304 topical corticosteroid...

  • September 17, 2024, 14:39 (UTC)


    Request Please could you help me find out what chemical compounds are in the spike protein madder injection? COVID-19. mRNA vaccine spikevax modified 0.1mg .0.5 ml dose for inj...

  • September 17, 2024, 13:17 (UTC)


    Request Please, please, please. Provide me with the LIST of conditions Cover the main conditions the independent medical assessor identified and the main conditions of the...

  • September 16, 2024, 13:51 (UTC)


    Request I am writing to submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information: The total number of claims received from...

  • September 16, 2024, 13:11 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request ‘ProCure23 (P23) I am writing to request a project directory which includes a list of subcontractors,...

  • September 11, 2024, 12:35 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request ‘Can you please provide me with the following information: For BNF segment 21.27 Lymphoedema the number...

  • September 10, 2024, 11:57 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request You asked us: 1) a monthly breakdown on EPS (Electronic Prescription Service) prescriptions, for each...

  • September 10, 2024, 11:49 (UTC)


    Request We would like to request the details of all vacancies/positions that have been available through NHS Jobs: • At an NHS Band 6 and 7 for a Diabetes Specialist Dietician •...

  • September 10, 2024, 11:41 (UTC)


    Request I am reaching out, on their behalf, to request access to data on Never Events in Ophthalmology within England. The primary aim of this request is to analyse these...

  • September 10, 2024, 11:03 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request You asked us: ‘I would like to know how many people have received money and approximately how much...

  • September 9, 2024, 14:59 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request In the last five years [Between April 6 - April 5 2019/2020, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24] How...

  • September 9, 2024, 14:32 (UTC)


    Request 1) How many claims have been made to the VDPS due to an adverse reaction to a covid vaccine to date? 2) How many claimants have been notified of an outcome? 3) How many...

  • September 9, 2024, 12:23 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request ‘I would like to ask for this chart, which was provided under the Freedom of Information Act last year,...

  • September 9, 2024, 13:10 (UTC)


    Thank you for your request for information about the following: Request ‘The following information is requested as summary figures only: Q1. Number of prescriptions...