Request ‘Could I please request a breakdown of influenza vaccinations administered to patients by GP surgeries, in the same format as the "Dataset" page of "Advanced Service Flu...
Request ‘1) I would like to know how many automated checks have been performed on patients who claimed entitlement to exemption from NHS Dental charges since January 2022? 2) I...
Request ‘1) Who is responsible for making sure the information provided to NHS Pensions by an NHS Employer about a Pensioner is accurate? 2) Who is responsible for...
Request ‘Please can you provide information under the Freedom of information act for the following questions about the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme; 1, What changes have been...
Request ‘I would like to make a request for information please: 1, Please provide details of how you determine who is eligible as 60% disablement to be awarded the Vaccine...
Request ‘I would like to request the following information about the digitisation of the NHS Healthy Start Scheme under the FOI act. Which companies were contracted to work on...