Request Following on from the information provided in FOI Request 25464. Can I request the same data set but only for the months of April/ May 2022. Response Please note that...
Request Could I please get the most current list of Pharmacy F Codes with LPC code/LPC name assigned, in csv or excel format? Response A copy of the information is attached....
Request Could I please request an updated list of Pharmacy Contractors that are indicated as 100- hour contracts on your database? Response A copy of the information is...
Request For all NHS dental contracts in England (references to year mean financial year): Practice Contract Number, Practice Postcode, Contract Type (GDS or PDS), Contracted...
Request ‘How many prescription items for anti depressants were given to patients in Kent for each of the following financial years: 2021-22 to date, 2020-21, 2019-20, 2018-19...
Request Can you provide data for the current unit of dental activity (uda) value paid to every dental contract holder. Please provide this for all general dental practices as...
Request Please provide the number of patients by CCG which have had a prescription including a product classified under the BNF chapter 23 and the same information for products...