February 10, 2022, 10:02 (UTC)
FOI 20253
Request ‘Hello, thank you for fulfilling my previous request at https://applications.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/FOI/foiRequestDetail.do?bo_id=11591 Could I please request the same data, but...
February 9, 2022, 10:40 (UTC)
FOI 20241
Request ‘1. Please specify how many community pharmacies in England have signed up to the hypertension case-finding service since it went live in October 2021? 2. Many thanks in...
January 11, 2022, 10:48 (UTC)
FOI 18076
Request Hi, Please can you provide a comprehensive list of "BNF_PRESENTATION_CODE" and "GENERIC_BNF_EQUIVALENT_CODE". H, Please can you provide a comprehensive list of...
December 21, 2021, 12:38 (UTC)
FOI 19208
Request Oh dear - I realise that I missed an important word from my request - I wanted a breakdown for each month for each region. please could you provide this detail? Response...