Respiratory PQS 2022/23

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License Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)

Data Dictionary

Column Title Type Description
ODS_CODE Organisation Data Service code for pharmacy, appliance, or local pharmaceutical services contractor string

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) code of the premises at which pharmaceutical services may be provided

PHARMACY_NAME Trading name of contractor string

The name under which a pharmacy contractor, appliance contractor, or local pharmaceutical services contractor trades

ICB_NAME Integrated Care Board (ICB) Name string

The name given to a geographical statutory organisation by NHS England that is a smaller division of a region

ICB_CODE Integrated Care Board (ICB) Code string

Integrated Care Board (ICB) Code

Q1 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Between 1 April 2019 and the end of 31 March 2023, will all pharmacists working at the pharmacy on the day of the declaration have satisfactorily completed the ''CPPE inhaler technique for health professionals: getting it right'' e-learning or attended a CPPE face-to-face inhaler technique workshop, and passed the Inhaler technique for health professionals e-assessment (updated 15 April 2020)? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q2 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many patients have been identified as having been prescribed a new inhaler device and were offered an NMS? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q3 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many patients were subsequently provided with a face-to-face NMS, including an inhaler technique check? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q4 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many patients were subsequently provided with a remote NMS, including an inhaler technique? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q5 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many of these patients were referred to their prescriber due to issues identified during the NMS? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q6 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

By the end of 31 March 2023, will all patient-facing staff working at your pharmacy on the day of the declaration have been trained on the reasons why used, unwanted and expired inhalers should be returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal, and the adverse effects of the environment when inhalers are disposed of in domestic waste? Answers: yes / no

Q7 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Can you evidence that between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, the pharmacy had a process in place to have conversations about the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of inhalers with patients, their carers or their representatives? Answers: yes / no

Q8 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

Between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, how many conversations about the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of inhalers have been had with patients, their carers or their representatives? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q9 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Can you evidence that between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, the pharmacy has checked that all children aged 5 to 15 prescribed a press and breathe pressurised MDI for asthma have a spacer device, where appropriate, in line with NICE TA38 and referred children aged 5 to 15 with asthma to an appropriate healthcare professional where this is not the case? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q10 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

Between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, how many children aged 5 to 15 have been referred for a spacer device, where appropriate, in line with NICE TA38? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q11 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

By the end of 31 March 2023, can you evidence that the pharmacy has checked that all patients aged 5 and above dispensed an inhaler for asthma between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration have a Personalised Asthma Action Plan (PAAP)? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q12 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

Between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, how many patients aged 5 and above with asthma have been referred for a Personalised Asthma Action Plan (PAAP)? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q13 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Can you evidence that between 10 October 2022 and the day of the declaration, the pharmacy had a process in place to identify patients with asthma, who had more than 3 or more short-acting bronchodilator inhalers dispensed without any corticosteroid inhaler within a 6-month period, and that these were referred to an appropriate healthcare professional for an asthma review? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q14 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many patients with asthma, who have had 3 or more short-acting bronchodilator inhalers dispensed without any corticosteroid inhaler within a 6-month period, were referred to an appropriate healthcare professional for an asthma review? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory