Healthy Living Support PQS 2022/23

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Format CSV
License Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)

Data Dictionary

Column Title Type Description
ODS_CODE Organisation Data Service code for pharmacy, appliance, or local pharmaceutical services contractor string

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) code of the premises at which pharmaceutical services may be provided

PHARMACY_NAME Trading name of contractor string

The name under which a pharmacy contractor, appliance contractor, or local pharmaceutical services contractor trades

ICB_NAME Integrated Care Board (ICB) Name string

The name given to a geographical statutory organisation by NHS England that is a smaller division of a region

ICB_CODE Integrated Care Board (ICB) Code string

The unique code used to refer to an ICB

Q1 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Between 1 April 2019 and the end of 31 March 2023, will all non-registered patient-facing pharmacy staff working at the pharmacy on the day of the declaration and providing health advice have satisfactorily completed the All Our Health bitesize training and assessments on Adult Obesity and Childhood Obesity? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q2 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Between 1 April 2019 and the end of 31 March 2023, will all registered pharmacy professionals working at the pharmacy on the day of the declaration have satisfactorily completed sections 1 and 3 of the CPPE weight management for adults: understanding the management of obesity e-learning and e-assessment? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q3 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Do you declare that by the end of 31 March 2023, you will have available, at premises level, a new or updated weight management action plan on how to assist a person who would like support with their weight, with demonstrable evidence of completion? Answers: yes / no Mandatory

Q4 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of the declaration, how many patients have the pharmacy team proactively discussed weight management with? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q5 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Do you declare that the pharmacy intends to complete discussions about weight management with at least 25 patients by the end of 31 March 2023? Answers: yes / no. Conditional reveal. N/A indicates the question was not revealed to the user.

Q6 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

By the day of declaration how many patients have had their BMI calculated and waist circumference measured, including having an explanation of the definition of BMI and the potential health impact of each? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q7 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

How many patients have been referred to a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management services between 10 October 2022 and the day of declaration? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q8 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS integer

How many patients have been referred to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme for those with hypertension and/or diabetes between 10 October 2022 and the day of declaration? Answers: 0 - 100 (capped at 100) Mandatory

Q9 A question asked whilst completing the quality domain in the PQS declaration on MYS string

Do you declare that the pharmacy intends to refer at least 4 patients (who meet the criteria for referral) to either a Local Authority funded tier 2 weight management service or the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme by the end of 31 March 2023? Answers: yes / no Conditional reveal. N/A indicates the question was not revealed to the user.