



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



I have a follow up to an FOI I have already made and received answers on. Here is the link to that My question is, that for the year beginning April 1 2022 and ending April 2023, how many tooth extractions in England and Wales, carried out on adults and children, were extractions for braces? It would also be useful, if you carry the data, to see what purposes the tooth extractions were carried out for


A copy of the information is attached. Please note we do not collect data regarding the number of teeth for Orthodontic extractions or the purpose for the extraction.

Guidance notes

This report contains the details from Orthodontic FP17Os processed for the reporting year 2022/2023 in England & Wales. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.
Activity by Foundation Dentists is excluded.

Reporting Year: The financial year which the activity relates to.

Year-end methodology will include all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17Os scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April to June, where the date of completion is on or between 1 April and 31 March of the year. For example, 2022-23 will include all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17Os scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April 2022 to June 2023, where the date of completion is on or between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. Where FP17Os do not have a date of completion, e.g. where the patient has failed to return to complete the treatment, the date of acceptance is used.

Country Name: This is the country the contract is located in.

Orthodontic Treatment Starts: This is a count of the number of forms submitted where the assess and accept box has been ticked and the date treatment began has been entered on the FP17O. In effect, this is the number of treatment starts.

Orthodontic Treatment Starts With Extractions (Orthodontic): This is a count of the number of orthodontic treatment starts submitted where the extractions box has been ticked on a FP17O. This is based on the orthodontic clinical data set as recorded in part 4 of the FP17.

% Orthodontic Treatment Starts With Extractions (Orthodontic): This is the number of orthodontic treatment starts submitted where the extractions box has been ticked on a FP17O / Orthodontic Treatment Starts expressed as percentage.

Orthodontic Treatment Completions: This is a count of the number of forms where the treatment completed box in part 6 of the FP17O has been ticked. A date of completion and IOTN score at the completion of treatment must be present.

Orthodontic Treatment Completions With Extractions (Orthodontic): This is a count of the number of orthodontic treatment completions submitted where the extractions box has been ticked on a FP17O. This is based on the orthodontic clinical data set as recorded in part 4 of the FP17O.

% Orthodontic Treatment Completions With Extractions (Orthodontic): This is the number of orthodontic treatment completions submitted where the extractions box has been ticked on a FP17O / Orthodontic Treatment Completions expressed as percentage.

Adult/Child Description: Adult/Child Patients are defined based on the patients’ age at the date of acceptance. An adult is defined as a patient aged 18 or over at the date of acceptance, a child is defined as a patient ages aged under 18 at the date of acceptance.

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Last Updated February 15, 2024, 11:42 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created February 15, 2024, 11:41 AM (UTC+00:00)