National UDA by Performer for 2019-2020

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Data last updated May 16, 2024
Metadata last updated May 16, 2024
Created May 16, 2024
Format CSV
License Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)

Data Dictionary

Column Title Type Description
UDA_GROUPING UDA Grouping integer

Groupings of UDA delivered by performer, with categories as follows: 0-12 UDA, 13-100 UDA, 101-1,000 UDA, 1,001-2,000 UDA, 2,001-3,000 UDA, 3,001-4,000 UDA, 4,001-5,000 UDA, 5,001-6,000 UDA, 6,001-7,000 UDA, 7,001-8,000 UDA, 8,001-9,000 UDA, 9,001-10,000 UDA and 10,001+ UDA

NUMBER_OF_PERFORMERS Number of Performers integer

A count of the number of performers with UDA delievered within the UDA grouping