Thank you for your request for information as outlined below:
I would like to make a freedom of information request regarding the following:
When was the latest NHS jobs recruitment system introduced?
A brief summary of issues reported to you regarding problems with the system between 30 January and 3 February 2023?
A brief summary of any problems with the system that may have affected users between 30 January and 3 February 2023?
Your request was received on 14th February 2023 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Question 1
We started looking into a new service in 2018 and the first release of a new feature was summer 2019.
Question 2
Below is a summarised list of incidents/issues during the period described in your request;
Employer - couldn’t offer job due to no offer button available.
Employer - receiving a “Sorry there is a problem” (STIAP) when trying to login.
Employer - offer state invalid message when sending offer.
Employer - duplicate essential criteria on vacancy.
Employer – Vacancy closed early
Applicant – Email change
Applicant – Name change
Employer – Duplicate offer shown in the system.
Employer – Cannot see all applications
Employer – Status of vacancy should be published but sat in interview.
Employer – user error shortlist revert
Employer – Marked 3 to interview from 5, when moving forward the system wants to email all 5 as unsuccessful.
Applicant – STIAP when accepting to move to another listing.
Employer – Arranged interviews out of system now want them reinstating.
Employer – Added an applicant to listing, applicant has completed application, but showing incomplete for employer so can’t shortlist.
Employer – Applicant withdrew, then changed their mind, raised to be reinstated.
Employer – Request to remove someone from at risk register.
Employer – Vacancy did not close on closing date.
Employer – Request to remove offers from dashboard.
Employer – Jobs not pulling to NHS Jobs from Applicant Tracking System
Employer – Not allowing to progress, asking to invite to interview but interviews already scheduled
Master admin – Issue with not allowing master admin to update accounts.
Question 3
There were no P1 or P2 in this period which we would class as problems with the system.
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