FOI 32044




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

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Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 32044

Thank you for your request for information as outlined below: However, if the date of the handbook is 9 September 2022, what guidance was provided to assessors for the first stage and then mandatory reversal assessment prior to 9 September? Indeed, is there separate guidance for mandatory reversal – if so, could I please request this?

Both my application and my mandatory reversal assessment were submitted (and then re-submitted) prior to 9 September? What then occurred, was the assessment/handbook followed? Or was this simply whatever Crawford decided it wanted to do.

Finally, prior to Covid 19 being added as a vaccine subject to the VDPS, who carried out the assessment?

Your request was received on 6 February 2023 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Medical assessor handbook

The information contained in the handbook provided to the independent medical assessor has not changed. The medical assessment process has remained consistent since the beginning of the contract with the independent medical assessment company. Therefore the information provided in FOI 27795 and ICO appeal 30975 is correct. We do not hold any different information in addition to what has already been provided to you previously.

Mandatory reversal guidance

We do not hold different guidance for this process. The same guidance already provided covers medical assessments as part of the Mandatory Reversal process.

Was the handbook followed?

Each medical assessment report is subject to quality audit before the outcome is finalised and shared with the claimant. This is to ensure claimants receive a fully considered outcome and it is part of the normal process of the scheme.

We would need to conduct a review into the specific claim to investigate. Any claimant who wishes to challenge the outcome of their claim, including queries such as this, should contact the VDPS team direct. The Freedom of Information Act is not intended as a tool to resolve complaints/appeals.

Medical assessor prior to COVID-19

The Centre for Health and Disability Assessments (CHDA) previously assessed VDPS claims outside of COVID-19.

Data Queries

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Contact Information Governance
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Last Updated March 13, 2023, 14:18 (UTC)
Created March 13, 2023, 14:17 (UTC)