FOI 30982




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 30982

Thank you for your request for information about the following:

Thank you for your request for information as outlined below: 1) How Many Final Pay Control charges have been levied to Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust (formerly Merseycare NHS Trust) since 01/01/2014)?

2) Please provide a year by year breakdown of the total Final Pay Control charges levied to Merseycare NHSFT as per question 1.

3) How many pension requests which have pensionable pay above the £50,000.00 threshold have been received from Merseycare NHSFT since 01/01/2014 regardless if they resulted in a FPC levy or not?

4) How many of the Final Pay Control charges levied against Merserycare NHSFT since 01/04/2018 were/have been reassessed since the changes were introduced 01/07/2021. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide

You subsequently clarified question 3 as follows:

Yes how many “retirement benefit requests” where pensionable pay is over the £50,000 threshold (I believe NHS Pensions uses this figure as a threshold before reviewing if a Final Pay Control may apply) NHSS pensions have received from Merseycare.

Your clarified request was received on 23rd January 2023 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Question 1

No final pay controls were issued to Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust prior to 2019.

37 final pay control charges have been levied to Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust (formerly Merseycare NHS Trust) since 1 January 2019.

Question 2

A copy of the information is attached showing a breakdown of charges issued per year.

Question 3

391 retirement requests have been received since 1 January 2014 where the ‘Place of Employment’ was ‘Merseycare’. Of these, 7 have a total pensionable pay (TPP) over £50,000.

To note, we have interpreted ‘retirement benefit request received by Merseycare’ literally as an AW8 where place of employment is listed as Merseycare. It does not include any members who have had AW8s received elsewhere, have submitted an AW8P, or have an AW8 where the ‘Place of Employment’ is not populated.

The £50,000 bracket is based on the sum of TPP for the final year we had an update from EA 6652 - Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. There are 32 members where this cannot be calculated as they do not have an employment with EA 6652. For example, this may be because they had an employment with an old EA Code which may have since merged under Merseycare).

Question 4

One of the final pay control charges has been reassessed to the value of £105,888,76.

Data Queries

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Last Updated February 20, 2023, 14:57 (UTC)
Created February 20, 2023, 14:55 (UTC)