FOI 28872




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 28872


The total i) cash and ii) Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) value of all NHS general dental services contracts in Wales in 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23

A breakdown of the i) cash and ii) uda values of all contracts handed back by NHS dental contract holders in Wales in 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 (to date)


A copy of the information is attached. Please see guidance notes below relating to the data.

Question 1

Guidance Notes###

This report contains the details from FP17s processed for the period stated 2019/2020-2022/2023 in Wales LHBs. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.

Commissioner Code

This is the three-character code associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Commissioner Name

This is the name associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This is a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs))

Contract Number###

This is a unique ten-character number which identifies a contract.

Provider Name

The name of the provider

Financial Year

The financial year associated with the 'Year Month' dimension in the format 'YYYY/YYYY' e.g. 2018/2019 for 201804.

UDA Financial Value###

The financial value associated with the UDA performance target for the financial year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UDA Performance Target###

The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

Metric Associated Value

The total value associated with the combined metrics for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. For all contracts which are managed under the metric value system (from 2022/2023), this will be equivalent to the total financial value, as entered on CoMPASS.

High Street Dental Practice Value

The total value associated with the High Street Dental Practice UDA value for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. This value is calculated as 25% of the Metric Associated Value and will be equivalent to the UDA financial value for all contracts which are managed under the metric value system, from 2022/2023.

Historic Patient Value

The total value associated with the contracted Historic Patient target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 40% of the Metric Associated Value. This patient target is calculated as 1,280 patients per £170,000 of metric associated financial value (as entered on CoMPASS at the start of the relevant reporting year).

New Patient Value###

The total value associated with the contracted New Patient target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 25% of the Metric Associated Value. The patient target is calculated as 260 patients per £170,000 of metric associated financial value (as entered on CoMPASS at the start of the relevant reporting year).

Fluoride Varnish Value###

The total value associated with the contracted Fluoride Varnish target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 5% of the Metric Associated Value.

Re-attendance Value

The total value associated with the contracted Re-attendance target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 5% of the Metric Associated Value.

Contract Start Date

The start date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS.

Contract End Date

The end date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS. Where provided on CoMPASS an end date will show. This figure will be blank if no end date has been entered onto CoMPASS.


For contracts being manged under the new metric value system, new Service Lines for different metrics were added (that won’t appear in previous years) following the pandemic. These also reflect reductions to 25% in the financial value and UDA performance target for the financial year, as of 2022/2023.

Question 2

Please note we can only provide details of contracts that have closed in each financial year. Further information may be available from Provider Assurance -

Guidance Notes###

This report contains the details from FP17s processed for the period stated 2019/2020-2022/2023 in Wales LHBs. Contracts that closed within said reporting year. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.

Commissioner Code###

This is the three-character code associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Commissioner Name

This is the name associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This is a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs))

Contract Number

This is a unique ten-character number which identifies a contract.

Provider Name

The name of the provider

Financial Year###

The financial year associated with the 'Year Month' dimension in the format 'YYYY/YYYY' e.g. 2018/2019 for 201804.

UDA Financial Value

The financial value associated with the UDA performance target for the financial year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UDA Performance Target

The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

Metric Associated Value###

The total value associated with the combined metrics for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. For all contracts which are managed under the metric value system (from 2022/2023), this will be equivalent to the total financial value, as entered on CoMPASS.

High Street Dental Practice Value

The total value associated with the High Street Dental Practice UDA value for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. This value is calculated as 25% of the Metric Associated Value and will be equivalent to the UDA financial value for all contracts which are managed under the metric value system, from 2022/2023.

Historic Patient Value###

The total value associated with the contracted Historic Patient target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 40% of the Metric Associated Value. This patient target is calculated as 1,280 patients per £170,000 of metric associated financial value (as entered on CoMPASS at the start of the relevant reporting year).

New Patient Value###

The total value associated with the contracted New Patient target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 25% of the Metric Associated Value. The patient target is calculated as 260 patients per £170,000 of metric associated financial value (as entered on CoMPASS at the start of the relevant reporting year).

Fluoride Varnish Value

The total value associated with the contracted Fluoride Varnish target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 5% of the Metric Associated Value.

Re-attendance Value

The total value associated with the contracted Re-attendance target for the current year, as entered on CoMPASS. The value is calculated as 5% of the Metric Associated Value.

Contract Start Date

The start date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS.

Contract End Date

The end date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS. Where provided on CoMPASS an end date will show. This figure will be blank if no end date has been entered onto CoMPASS.


For contracts being managed under the new metric value system, new Service Lines for different metrics were added (that won’t appear in previous years) following the pandemic. These also reflect reductions to 25% in the financial value and UDA performance target for the financial year, as of 2022/2023.

Please note that this request and our response is published on our Freedom of Information disclosure log at:

If you have any queries regarding the data provided, or if you plan on publishing the data, please contact ensuring you quote the above reference. This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

If you plan on producing a press or broadcast story based upon the data, please contact This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and is subject to NHSBSA copyright. Should you wish to re-use the information you must include the statement “NHSBSA Copyright 2022”. This information is licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence ( – failure to do so is a breach of the terms of the licence.

Information you receive which is not subject to NHSBSA Copyright continues to be protected by the copyright of the person, or organisation, from which the information originated. Please obtain their permission before reproducing any third party (non NHSBSA Copyright) information.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Contact Information Governance
State active
Last Updated December 9, 2022, 12:43 (UTC)
Created December 9, 2022, 12:41 (UTC)