FOI 28867




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 28867


In the last four complete financial years that you have data, please can you let me know for each of these years the following: 1. How many UDA's were commissioned by NHS E & I (or previous organisation responsible) for Dental Practices in the Croydon area, in each financial year? 2. In each of these financial years how many UDA's were actually delivered by Dental Practices in the Croydon area? 3. How many new dental contracts (UDA contracts) have been awarded to non-NHS dental Practices in the Croydon area in the last 12 years?”


Questions 1 and 2

A copy of the information is attached. Please see guidance notes below.

Question 3

I can advise that following a search of our paper and electronic records, it has been established that the information you requested is not held. In accordance with section 1 of this Act, this information cannot be provided as it is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.

However it is possible that NHS England may hold some or all of the information you require. They can be contacted at NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9PT, telephone 0300 311 22 33, e-mail and web

Guidance Notes

This report contains the details from FP17s processed for the period stated 2018/2019 in Croydon Local Authority Contracts. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.

Reporting Year###

The financial year which the activity relate to. Year-end methodology will include all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April to June, where the date of completion is on or between 1 April and 31 March of the year. For example 2019-20 will include all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April 2019 to June 2020, where the date of completion is on or between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020. Where FP17s do not have a date of completion, e.g. where the patient has failed to return to complete the treatment, the date of acceptance is used.

Commissioner Code

This is the three character code associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This is either Area Teams in England pre 1st April 2020 or STPs from 1st April 2020 to 30th June 2022 and ICBs from 1st July 2022 onwards. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Commissioner Name

This is the name associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This is either Area Teams in England pre 1st April 2020 or STPs from 1st April 2020 to 30th June 2022 and ICBs from 1st July 2022 onwards. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Contract Number

This is a unique ten character number which identifies a contract.

Contract Local Authority

The Local Authority the contract is located in.

Contract Start Date

The start date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS.

Contract End Date

The end date of the contract, as recorded on CoMPASS (only where an end date has been entered on CoMPASS).

Provider Name###

The name of the provider

Financial Year###

The financial year associated with the 'Year Month' dimension in the format 'YYYY/YYYY' e.g. 2018/2019 for 201804.

UDA Performance Target

The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UDA Financial Value###

The financial value associated with the UDA performance target for the financial year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UDA Delivered###

The units of dental activity scheduled for the financial year to date for the period selected, relating to the financial year e.g. in December this will cover the scheduled months of April to December, excluding FD UDA for English contracts.


This tab contains the number of UDAs commissioned by NHSEI for dental practices in the Croydon area during the 2018/19 financial year, as displayed in Column J. Additionally, the number of UDAs delivered by dental practices in the Croydon area during 2018/19 can be found in Column K.

Provider Assurance 2019/20

In this tab, Contracted UDA 2019/20 represents the number of UDAs commissioned by NHSEI for dental practices in the Croydon area during the 2019/20 financial year.

Due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, NHSEI specified four methodologies for calculating the number of UDAs delivered by a contract. The Adjusted Scheduled UDA 2019/20 reflects the 'Most Appropriate Option', which is the chosen option which and the most advantageous position for the provider and is the delivered activity used in YE calculations. The options were:

• Option 1: Using the 16 schedule Months of March 19 – June 20, this method uses standard year-end methodology to the specified 12-month activity period of March 2019 to February 2020. Standard methodology for this year-end data set can be described as; Year-end methodology includes all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the sixteen schedule months from March 2019 to June 2020, where the date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) is on or between 1 March 2019 and 29 February 2020.

• Option 2: Using the standard methodology for the 2019/20 year. Standard methodology for year-end data can be described as; Year-end methodology includes all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April 2019 to June 2020, where the date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) is on or between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020.

• Option 3: Using the standard methodology for the 2019/20 year, then treatment; where the date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) is between 1 March 2020 and 31 March 2020, is removed and replaced with the MEAN of the agreed appropriate consecutive 3 month period. Standard methodology for year-end data can be described as; Year-end methodology includes all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April 2019 to June 2020, where the date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) is on or between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020. The March treatment is then removed and replaced with the MEAN of the agreed consecutive 3 month period which has been identified using the same “standard” methodology.

• Exception: Using the 16 schedule Months of March 19 – June 20, this method uses standard year-end methodology to the specified 12-month activity period of 21st March 2019 to 20th March 2020. Standard methodology for year-end data can be described as; Year-end methodology includes all activity data (including amendments) collected from FP17s scheduled in any of the fifteen schedule months from April 2019 to June 2020, where the date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) is on or between 1 April 2019 and 20 March 2020. With the addition of FP17s scheduled March 2019 to June 2019 with a date of completion (or date of last visit for incomplete treatment) between 21 March 2019 and 31 March 2019.

Provider Assurance 2020/21

In this tab, the Total Contracted Activity UDA (2020/21) is the number of UDAs commissioned by NHSEI for dental practices in the Croydon area during the 2019/20 financial year. Total Contracted Activity including Carry forward UDA (2020/21): The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year PLUS the "Brought Forward UDA". Credited Q1 to Q3 UDA: This is 9/12 of the Contracted UDA (excluding carry forward)- this represents Q1-Q3 for the YE calculations

During Q4, contracts had the requirement to deliver a minimum 45% (UDA) of prorated annual contractual activity and for the purpose of the annual reconciliation process, this was deemed to be equivalent to 100% of usual contract activity in this period. Subject to contract delivery, an adjustment of 16.75% to reflect variable costs not incurred due to the reduced patient care activity was applied to the calculation for any undelivered activity between 1 January to 31 March 2021. If the contract delivered under 36%, no additional adjustment were made as this was incorporated into the YE claw back, the sliding scale was not used, and normal reconciliation rules applied for the Q4 period. Q4 Target UDA: This is 3/12 of the Contracted UDA (excluding brought forward) (Contracted UDA/12 3) Q4 Target including Brought Forward UDA: The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for 3/12 of the year PLUS the "Brought Forward UDA".(Contracted UDA/12 3 + Brought Forward)) 45% of Q4 target incl. BF UDA: 45% of "Q4 Target", plus the brought forward ((Contracted UDA/12 3)0.45)+Brought Forward)) 45% of Q4 Target UDA: 45% of "Q4 Target" excluding brought forward 36% of Q4 Target incl. BF UDA: 36% of "Q4 Target", plus the brought forward ((Contracted UDA/12 3)0.36)+Brought Forward))

The Total Delivered Activity UDA is the total delivered UDA for the financial year, used for YE calculations. Q4 Delivered UDA: The units of dental activity scheduled for the time period selected relating to Q4 of the financial year, where they were carried out by any performer. Deemed for Q4 UDA: The activity deemed to have been delivered in Q4.

Provider Assurance 2021/22

For the 2021/22 YE recoveries process, contract delivery was measured against performance thresholds, which refers to the level of activity required for full NHS income protection. The performance thresholds were 60% for H1, 65% for Q3 and 85% for Q4. Therefore, both the contracted activity and the performance threshold target are included in this tab. However, the Performance Threshold values represent the number of commissioned UDAs used in YE calculations. Total Contracted Activity UDA (2021/22): The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year. This figure is taken directly from CoMPASS. H1 Contracted Activity: Total Contracted Activity UDA (2021/22) / 12 * 6 Q3 Contracted Activity: Total Contracted Activity UDA (2021/22) / 12 * 3 Q4 Contracted Activity: Total Contracted Activity UDA (2021/22) / 12 * 3 H1 Performance Threshold: H1 Contracted Activity0.6 Q3 Performance Threshold: Q3 Contracted Activity0.65 Q4 Performance Threshold: Q4 Contracted Activity*0.85

Included in this tab is both the initial delivered activity, and the dental activity after adjustments and redistribution of activity, if financially beneficial according to NHSE guidance. However, the Final Delivered values represent the number of delivered UDAs used in YE calculations. H1 Delivered: The units of dental activity scheduled for the time period selected relating to the financial year, where they were carried out by any performer. Treatment between 01/04/2021 and 30/09/21. Q3 Delivered: The units of dental activity scheduled for the time period selected relating to the financial year, where they were carried out by any performer. Treatment between 01/10/2021 an 31/12/2021. Q4 Delivered: The units of dental activity scheduled for the time period selected relating to the financial year, where they were carried out by any performer. Treatment between 01/01/2022 and 31/03/2022. H1 Final Delivered: Final delivery for the period including carry forward, miscellaneous credits and, if financially beneficial, over performance threshold UDA from future periods. Q3 Final Delivered: Final delivery for the period including carry forward, COVID credits, miscellaneous credits and, if financially beneficial, over performance threshold UDA from future periods, and less over performance threshold UDA from Q3. Q4 Final Delivered: Final delivery for the period including carry forward, COVID credits, miscellaneous credits and, if financially beneficial, less over performance threshold UDA from Q4.

Please note that this request and our response is published on our Freedom of Information disclosure log at

If you have any queries regarding the data provided, or if you plan on publishing the data, please contact ensuring you quote the above reference. This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

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Contact Information Governance
State active
Last Updated December 9, 2022, 11:28 (UTC)
Created December 9, 2022, 11:25 (UTC)