1. Number of claims for Covid 19 vaccine damage payment received by NHSBSA to 1 June 2022.
2. Number of claims for Covid 19 vaccine damage payment settled / concluded by NHSBSA to 1 June 2022, with payment made to claimants.
3. Number of "mandatory reversal" requests relating to Covid 19 vaccine damage claims received by NHSBSA to 1 June 2022.
4. Number of "mandatory reversal" notices relating to Covid 19 vaccine damage claims issued by NHSBSA to 1 June 2022
Q1. As of 1 June 2022, there had been 1786 claims made to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) relating to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Q2. As of 1 June 2022, no payments had been made to claimants relating to COVID-19 vaccine damage claims. The COVID-19 vaccines are very new and the global effort to establish any potential causal relationship between the vaccines and their potential adverse effects was not straightforward and had taken time. Up until 1 June, claims relating to COVID-19 vaccines had not yet been concluded following medical assessment, therefore no payments had been made.
7 COVID-19 related claims were declined as they did not meet the eligibility criteria for the scheme (non-medical rejections). These claims are classified as invalid.
Q3. As of 1 June 2022, there have been 0 mandatory reversal requests relating to COVID-19 vaccine damage claims received by the NHSBSA.
Q4. As of 1 June 2022, there have been 0 mandatory reversal notices issued relating to COVID-19 vaccine damage claims received by the NHSBSA.
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