‘I would like to request the following information about the digitisation of the NHS Healthy Start Scheme under the FOI act.
- Which companies were contracted to work on the digitisation of Healthy Start?
- How much did the digitisation cost in total?
- How much was each contractor paid?’
Question 2
The cost of delivering the Healthy Start product, for Financial Year 20/21 and 21/22 was £2,650,839.
The period runs from Feb 2020 - September 2021 which is when we completed Alpha, Private Beta and launched the service into Public Beta. During this period we designed and built the end to end digital service. We tested the service with a small user group, further developed the product, and then completed a full roll out to the general public. Since September the NHSBSA has continued to improve and develop the digital product in line with Government Digital Standard (GDS) practice, and will continue to develop and support the digital product for the lifetime of the service.
Question 1 and 3
The contractors/suppliers involved in the delivery of the Healthy Start digitisation are listed below, together with how much each was paid.
Opencast – £208,656
Mastek – £653,108
DWP – £50,017
HMRC – £27,906
Serco – £4,638
Xerox – £22,091
NTA Monitor LTD – £8,748
Tisski – £258,650
Data Queries
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