Dear Sirs, I work for the French national health insurance fund (quite similar to nhs) and study foreign healthcare systems. I would be grateful to you if you could send me the number of people who have made a claim for reimbursement for the full or part of the cost towards NHS wig coverage and fabric supports through the NHSBSA Low Income Scheme (LIS).
Please see below the number of people who have made a claim for reimbursement for the full or part of the cost towards NHS wig coverage and fabric supports through the NHSBSA Low Income Scheme from the last two financial years.
01 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 = 16 refunds were authorised for NHS wigs and fabric supports.
01 April 2021 – 31 March 2022 = 6 refunds were authorised for NHS wigs and fabric supports.
Data Queries
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