‘Q1. In relation to your Health Records department within your Trust please can you provide:
a. Structure of the department
b. WTE before EPR/EDMS
c. WTE after EPR/EDMS
d. Copy of Job descriptions for EDMS/EPR posts
Q2. In relation to your Health Records EPR/EDRMS do you provide scanning on site within your Trust can you provide:
a. Policies
b. Procedures
c. Processes
d. Guidance Documents
e. Process map
Q3. In relation to the transition from paper to digital health records at your Trust please provide:
a. Any paper to digital transition plans
b. Benefit realisation documents
Q4. In relation to health records held within E-Referral Service/Choose & Book such as referral letters, how is this shared with, accessed through or manually copied onto your EPR/EDMS at your Trust, please provide:
a. Policies
b. Procedures
c. Processes
d. Guidance Documents
e. Process map
f. Process flowcharts
g. Service Standards/KPI’s
h. Process flowcharts
i. Service Standards/KPI’s’
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority. The NHSBSA is not a NHS Trust organisation, rather we are a Special Health Authority providing back-office functions to the wider NHS. The authority is not patient-facing, and we do not have any of the systems described in your request.