First request
‘I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
details please:
1) the 2021/22 Dental and Medical dynamisation factors in force for the NHS Scheme
(England & Wales only) once they are available
2) Could I have both the applicable yearly and monthly factors
3) And the whole table of factors so that I am able to dynamise practitioner earnings from
any year to 2021 e.g. dynamising earnings from 1996 (say) to 2021’
Second request
‘I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
details please:
1) the 2021/22 Dental and Medical dynamisation factors in force for the NHS Scheme
(England & Wales only) once they are available
2) Could I have both the applicable yearly and monthly factors
3) And the whole table of factors so that I am able to dynamise practitioner earnings from
any year to 2022 e.g. dynamising earnings from 1996 (say) to 2022’
A copy of the information is attached.
TANI – Target Average Net Income