Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for NHS Supply Chain. Please could you kindly provide me with a list of the most popular dental products sold through NHS Supply Chain?If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.
However it is possible that Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) may hold some or all of the information you require.
They can be contacted at:
Supply Chain Coordination Limited
Equinox House
City Link
Nottingham, NG2 4LA