FOI 20246




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 20246


Could you give me the following details for the ENTIRE 3 MONTH period October-December 2021. I would assume that the following information would be at hand as a thorough investigation of the entire statistics and non-biased interpretation was carried out.

A. what % of individual practices have achieved 85% of their contract value.

B. what % of individual practices achieved 65%

C. what % of practices achieved over 100% and what was the size of their contract value

D. for practices that achieved 85% what was the average size of their contract and if a large practice has there been statistical analysis of how they achieved this with regard to their prescribing profile.

E. has any consideration been given to dental practices that cannot deliver due to staff illness with covid. It only needs one of a dentist nurse or reception to be off for the surgery not being able to operate (Dental nurses and dentists have almost the highest risk environment of getting covid if dentists follow NHS England’s advice on reducing cross infection controls. i.e. if covid did not exist other than asking patient questions which have a high risk of being wrong.)

I can only assume that due to the important conclusions and now decisions that have been made that a legal team have been consulted and findings recorded. The next 2 questions are more legally orientated.

F. If a dental nurse/dentist/receptionist gets covid and they believe it is due to the reduction of cross infection controls advised by nhs England can they claim negligence and who should they claim against. The GDC and the dental defence union will not give any opinions to this.

G. Has any comparison been made between dental and general medical practitioners targets and work safety.


Question E, F and G

I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.

However it is possible that NHS England may hold some or all of the information you require. They can be contacted at:

NHS England PO Box 16738 Redditch B97 9PT Telephone 0300 311 22 33 Email:

Remaining Questions

A copy of the information is attached.

We have supplied the data for question D, however regarding the query regarding analysis, I can confirm no such analysis has taken place.

The data supplied is based on paid contracts with an annual UDA/UOA target of 100 or more

Dental Contract Reform contracts are excluded, as they were working towards different minimum thresholds.


Services Commissioned – either UDA (General Dental) or UOA (Orthodontic). Total Active Contracts – a count of the number of paid contracts in England with either UDA and or UOA commissioned.

Total Contracts (>100 units contracted) – a count of the number of paid contracts in England with 100 or more units of the service commissioned.

Total Contracts that achieved 65% or more in 2021-22 Q3 – a count of the number of paid contracts in England who achieved their Q3 Adjusted 65% UDA or UOA Performance Threshold.

Total Contracts that achieved 85% or more in 2021-22 Q3 – a count of the number of paid contracts in England who achieved their Q3 Adjusted 85% UDA or UOA Performance Threshold.

Total Contracts that achieved 100% or more in 2021-22 Q3 - a count of the number of paid contracts in England who achieved their Q3 100% UDA or UOA Performance Threshold.

% Total Contracts that achieved 65% or more in 2021-22 Q3 - Total Contracts that achieved 65% or more in 2021-22 Q3 divided by the Total Contracts (>100 units contracted) for the service commissioned.

% Total Contracts that achieved 85% or more in 2021-22 Q3 - Total Contracts that achieved 85% or more in 2021-22 Q3 divided by the Total Contracts (>100 units contracted) for the service commissioned.

% Total Contracts that achieved 100% or more in 2021-22 Q3 - Total Contracts that achieved 100% or more in 2021-22 Q3 divided by the Total Contracts (>100 units contracted) for the service commissioned.

2021-22 Contracted UDA – the contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the commissioner.

Q3 Adjusted 65% UDA Performance Threshold – 2021-22 Contracted UDA / 4 * 0.65. This is to determine the adjusted number of UDAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 Adjusted 85% UDA Performance Threshold – 2021-22 Contracted UDA / 4 * 0.85. This is to determine the adjusted number of UDAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 100% UDA Performance Threshold – 2021-22 Contracted UDA / 4. This is to determine the number of UDAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 Delivered UDA - The units of dental activity scheduled for the time period selected from all performers i.e. including Foundation Dentists.

2021-22 Contracted UOA – the contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the commissioner.

Q3 Adjusted 65% UOA Performance Threshold – 2021-22 Contracted UOA / 4 * 0.65. This is to determine the adjusted number of UOAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 Adjusted 85% UOA Performance Threshold - 2021-22 Contracted UOA / 4 * 0.85. This is to determine the adjusted number of UOAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 100% UOA Performance Threshold – 2021-22 Contracted UOA / 4. This is to determine the number of UOAs to be achieved in 2021-22 quarter 3.

Q3 Delivered UOA - The units of orthodontic activity scheduled for the time period selected from all performers i.e. including Foundation Dentists.

Average Contracted Units for a contract that achieved 85% or more in 2021-22 Q3 – the average, using the median, units contracted for those contracts that achieved 85% or more in 2021-22 Q3.

Average Contracted Units for a contract that achieved 100% or more in 2021-22 Q3 – the average, using the median, units contracted for those contracts that achieved 100% or more in 2021-22 Q3.

Data Queries

If you have any queries regarding the data provided, or if you plan on publishing the data please contact ensuring you quote the above reference. This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

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Contact Information Governance
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated February 10, 2022, 13:22 (UTC)
Created February 10, 2022, 08:50 (UTC)