FOI 19200




Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]

FOI 19200


To ascertain the practice list size/number of patients, and the contact value for each Dental Practice in the UK (although we appreciate you may only be able to offer data for England & Wales). The following data elements/fields: ODS Practice ID, Practice Name. Postcode, Practice List Size/Number of Patients, Contract Value. Volume anticipated, data for circa 8-10k Practice sites. UK wide, although appreciate you may only be able to offer data for England & Wales. from 03/12/21.

On 13 January 2022 you clarified:

To give you a bit of background, we are researching the Dental sector for various stakeholders in the industry. We’ve built a Dental Practice list and are enhancing this using data available from various agencies including the CQC (Care Quality Commission), ODS (Organisation Data Service), NHS Digital, GDC (General Dental Council), HCPC (Health and Care Professionals Council), yourselves and others.

We have found numerous reports that contain elements of the data we are looking for but there are no unique IDs in the data. This makes matching up records to combine the data quite difficult. I was hoping you would be able to provide the data we are looking for against ODS Practice IDs (ODS Practice ID, Practice Name. Postcode, Practice List Size/Number of Patients, Contract Value or Payments Made ). Here are some links to report we have found so far:

Lists of Dental Practice Sites can be found here:

Practice List Size:

Practice Income:


A copy of the information is attached.

24 Months to 202111

This report contains the details from the 24 Month patient list. Time period 24 months to November 2021 for Patients at Contracts in the England and Wales. Contracts paid by NHSBSA. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.

Commissioner Code: This is the 3 character code associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Commissioner Name: This is the name associated with the Commissioning Organisation. This is a generic term used to denote health bodies, either Area Teams in England or Health Boards in Wales. Also known as Primary Care Organisations (PCOs)

Contract Number: This is a unique 10 character number which identifies a contract

Distinct Patient Count: A measure, which describes the number of patients seen in the previous 24 months. The measure provides a count of the number of distinct patient identities scheduled during the last 24 months. This metric is an indication of the number of unique patients that are considered NHS patients. Each unique patient ID is counted against the dentist contract against which the most recent form was recorded in the 24 month period, with the following exceptions. If the most recent form is for urgent treatment, orthodontic treatment, free treatment or treatment on referral the ID remains with the previous contract, if there is one within the 24 month period. If the form for the previous contract occurred before the 24 month period the ID is allocated to the most recent contract. It is used due to NICE guidelines which recommended that the longest interval between oral reviews (for an child) should be 24 months. Therefore dental attendance is now measured by the number and proportion of patients who have attended a dentist within the previous 24 months.

Distinct Patient Count Adult: A measure, which describes the number of adult patients (18 years or over on the last day of the period) seen in the previous 24 months. An adult is defined as a patient aged 18 or over at the date of acceptance. The measure provides a count of the number of distinct patient identities scheduled during the last 24 months. This metric is an indication of the number of unique patients that are considered NHS patients. Each unique patient ID is counted against the dentist contract against which the most recent form was recorded in the 24 month period, with the following exceptions. If the most recent form is for urgent treatment, orthodontic treatment, free treatment or treatment on referral the ID remains with the previous contract, if there is one within the 24 month period. If the form for the previous contract occurred before the 24 month period the ID is allocated to the most recent contract. It is used due to NICE guidelines which recommended that the longest interval between oral reviews (for an adult) should be 24 months. Therefore dental attendance is now measured by the number and proportion of patients who have attended a dentist within the previous 24 months.

Distinct Patient Count Child: A measure, which describes the number of child patients (less than 18 years old on the last day of the period) seen in the previous 24 months. An child is defined as a patient aged under 18 at the date of acceptance. The measure provides a count of the number of distinct patient identities scheduled during the last 24 months. This metric is an indication of the number of unique patients that are considered NHS patients. Each unique patient ID is counted against the dentist contract against which the most recent form was recorded in the 24 month period, with the following exceptions. If the most recent form is for urgent treatment, orthodontic treatment, free treatment or treatment on referral the ID remains with the previous contract, if there is one within the 24 month period. If the form for the previous contract occurred before the 24 month period the ID is allocated to the most recent contract. It is used due to NICE guidelines which recommended that the longest interval between oral reviews (for an child) should be 12 months. Therefore dental attendance is now measured by the number and proportion of patients who have attended a dentist within the previous 24 months.

Contract Value 202122

This report contains the details from FP17s processed for the period stated 2021-2022 in England and Wales. Contracts paid by NHSBSA. Filtered to contracts where the UDA.UOA Financial Value or UDA/UOA Performance Target is greater than of equal to 1.The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.

Contract Number: This is a unique 10 character number which identifies a contract.
Latest Provider Name: The name of the provider

Financial Year: The financial year associated with the 'Year Month' dimension in the format 'YYYY/YYYY' e.g. 2018/2019 for 201804.

UDA Performance Target: The contracted units of dental activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UOA Performance Target: The contracted units of orthodontic activity to be achieved for the year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UDA Financial Value: The financial value associated with the UDA performance target for the financial year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

UOA Financial Value: The financial value associated with the UOA performance target for the financial year, as entered on CoMPASS by the PCO.

Treatment Location as of 202111

This report contains the details of treatment locations and contracts associated with them in England and Wales. FP17s scheduled during November 2021. Contracts paid by NHSBSA. The information within the report includes the data items and descriptions listed below.
Contract Number: This is a unique 10 character number which identifies a contract.
V Code: A unique number to identify the location where the treatment took place. Please note that more than one treatment location can be associated with a contract, and that treatment locations can be used by more than one contract.

If you have any queries regarding the data provided, or if you plan on publishing, the data please contact ensuring you quote the above reference. This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

If you plan on producing a press or broadcast story based upon the data please contact This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.

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Should you wish to re-use the information you must include the following statement: “Dental Services, NHSBSA Copyright 2022” This information is licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence:

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Please obtain their permission before reproducing any third party (non NHSBSA Copyright) information.

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Field Value
Contact Information Governance
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated March 1, 2022, 09:52 (UTC)
Created March 1, 2022, 09:44 (UTC)