To date, the number of completed LTA1 [Lifetime Allowance (LTA) Declaration] forms received by the NHSBSA since 1 April 2024.
To date, the number of LTA1 forms received by the NHS BSA from retirees whose pensions were in active payment prior to 1 April 2024.
For retirees with pensions in payment prior to 1 April 2024 that have also submitted an LTA1 form, the number that have received the 6.7% pension uplift for 2024/25.
Date Range: 01/04/24 to 23/10/24
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) received your request on 23 October 2024.
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
Our response
I can confirm that the NHSBSA holds the information you have requested. Please read the below notes to ensure correct understanding of the data:
• A form is counted each time it is received. Some members may have submitted multiple forms and therefore may be counted multiple times.
• All benefits are assessed for the second and third question; members may have some accrued benefits yet to claim and may be still working and actively contributing to the NHS Pension Scheme.
Volume of completed LTA1 forms received since 1 April 2024
Volume of LTA1 forms received since 1 April 2024, for members in receipt of benefits prior to 1 April 2024
Volume of LTA1 forms received since 1 April 2024, for members in receipt of benefits prior to 1 April 2024, who received the 6.7% pension uplift for 2024/25
Data Queries
Please contact ensuring you quote the above reference if you have any specific questions regarding this response; or, if you feel you may be misunderstanding or misinterpreting the information; or, if you plan on publishing the data.
Reusing the data and copyright
If you plan on producing a press or broadcast story based upon the data please contact This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.
The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and is subject to NHSBSA copyright. This information is licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence detailed at:
Should you wish to re-use the information you must include the following statement: “NHSBSA Copyright 2024” Failure to do so is a breach of the terms of the licence.
Information you receive which is not subject to NHSBSA Copyright continues to be protected by the copyright of the person, or organisation, from which the information originated. Please obtain their permission before reproducing any third party (non NHSBSA Copyright) information.