1) Could you let us know how many requests to NHS England Business Services Authority for Transitional Tax Free Amount Certificates (TTFAC) have been waiting
more than the statutory 3 months for issue on 1st of October 2024.
2)Could you also let us know how many requests have been issued with certificates within the statutory 3 month period for comparison.
3) Could you kindly let us know how many requests are within the 3 month period where a certificate or refusal is still pending.
Question 1
As of 1 October 2024, no requests for the provision of a TTFAC have been waiting for more than the statutory 3 months for issue.
Question 2
We’ve issued 5 certificates within the 3 month period following the provision of complete evidence, which is a requirement for the issue of a certificate.
Question 3
We’ve received 172 requests, all of which are within the 3 month period where a certificate or refusal is still pending.
The TTFAC was introduced by the Finance Act 2024.Members who’ve exceeded the Lump Sum Allowance using the Standard Transitional Calculation can protect the difference between any lump sum they have previously received and the limit of £268,275.
Of the 172 requests received, members will be assessed to see if they would benefit from a TTFAC. If they would, they will receive a TTFAC application form. If their application is successful, the Income Tax charge on any additional lump sum could be reduced or removed.
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