You asked us:
Please can you provide a breakdown of the number of 100-hour pharmacy contracts that have reduced their core hours under the changes outlined in the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. Please provide a summary of the number of pharmacies that have reduced their hours to :
• the minimum permitted 72 hours
• a range between 73 hours and 80 hours
• a range between 81 hours and 90 hours
• a range between 91 hours and 100 hours
The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) received your request on 2 July 2024.
We have handled your request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
Our response
Under Section 21 of the FOIA we are not required to provide information in response to a request if it is already reasonably accessible to you.
This information is available online on the open data portal:
Advice and assistance
The second to last column gives the total weekly hours and the list is available quarterly with full history.