



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



Good morning, we are trying to establish how many members took up the offer to revoke Choice 2 under the recent exercise.

Please can you confirm the following in regards to the Pension Choice 2 revocation exercise from 2024:

1) Total number of Pension Choice Revocation letters sent? Can this be broken down by Capacity Code and Employment Type. Can this also be split into those that previously had special class status/mental health officer status and those that did not.

2) Total number of Choice 2 revocations? Can this be broken down by Capacity Code and Employment Type. Can this also be split into those that previously had special class status/mental health officer status and those that did not.


I can confirm that the NHSBSA holds the information you have requested.

A copy of the information is attached

Mental health oficer/special class status is based on the members entire employment history. They may not hold those markers in their current/most recent employment and may not be eligible for any associated benefits when they come to claim their pension.

Members employment type is based on their most recent primary employment. It does not preclude them from having previous/concurrent employments which would fall under a different employment type category.

We are still receiving revocation requests, and are still in the process of completing some, so these volumes are subject to change.

Some members have multiple, concurrent posts with different capacity code/employment type combinations. To prevent inflating volumes and double counting members, each member has been assigned a single category assigned in the below priority order.


• General Practitioner – An employment marked as having capacity code 03 (Medical Staff) or 10 (Ophthalmic Practitioner), and Employment Type 5 (Principal Practitioner), 6 (Assistant Practitioner) or 9 (GP Locum/ Locum Practitioner)

• General Dental Practitioner – An employment marked as having capacity code 08 (Dental Staff), and Employment Type 5 (Principal Practitioner), 6 (Assistant Practitioner) or 9 (GP Locum/ Locum Practitioner)


• Hospital Doctor – An employment marked as having capacity code 03 (Medical Staff) or 10 (Ophthalmic Practitioner), and Employment Type 2 (Non-Specialist) or 3 (Specialist)

• Hospital Dentist – An employment marked as having capacity code 08 (Dental Staff), and Employment Type 2 (Non-Specialist) or 3 (Specialist)

• Special Class Nurse – An employment marked as capacity code 01 (Nurse (excluding Nursery Nurse), Midwife, Health Visitor, Physiotherapist) or 02 (Nurse Tutor), and Employment Type 7 (Restructuring Special Class)

• Non-Special Class Nurse – An employment marked as capacity code 01 (Nurse (excluding Nursery Nurse), Midwife, Health Visitor, Physiotherapist) or 02 (Nurse Tutor), and NOT Employment Type 7 (Restructuring Special Class)

• Officer – All other combinations of Capacity Code and Employment Type not detailed above.

Data Queries

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Additional Info

Field Value
Contact Information Governance
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated July 19, 2024, 13:39 (UTC)
Created July 19, 2024, 13:28 (UTC)