



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



  1. The number of UK citizens who have successfully registered their S1 NHSBS form with the Greek Health Authorities, also known as AMKA, and are successfully receiving health services from the Greek Health Service with support from the NHS.
  2. I also wish to know what areas within Greece have the most UK citizens registered with S1 forms and are using them successfully in Greece.
  3. And anify UK citizens living on the island of Naxos registered successfully their S1 forms and are using them successfully on the Island.


Please read the below notes to ensure correct understanding of the response.

We have counted both S1 and E121 certificates. The E121 is an older version of the S1. The data is based on health services provided since 2009.

The S1 is issued to eligible contributors to the UK National Insurance system or those who are receiving, or have received, eligible UK benefits. It is not issued on the basis of UK citizenship.

The S1/E121 is required to be registered in Greece before the UK will pay healthcare costs.

We have counted S1/E121 which have been issued by the NHS Business Services Authority (NSBSA), the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and His Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC).

A small number of S1/E121 holders may have had more than one S1/E121.

The authorities in Greece which advise us of S1 registrations are; EFKA (National Social Security Fund), IKA (Institute for Social Insurance) or EOPYY (National Organization for the Provision of Health Services). It is not determined by AMKA (Social Security number).

We have interpreted “successfully receiving health services” as actually receiving medical care, not just being entitled to it.

We have interpreted “with support from the NHS” as the NHS has agreed to pay Greece for all or part of that healthcare.

Question One: We have identified 4,983 UK S1/E121 holders for whom the UK has paid S1/E121 healthcare costs sent to us by Greece.

Question Two: The Greek regions with the most UK S1/E121 holders and for whom the UK has paid healthcare costs are Crete, Attica and South Aegean.

Question Three: There are 12 UK S1/E121 holders who had Naxos postcodes and for whom the NHS has paid healthcare costs.

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Last Updated April 18, 2024, 13:16 (UTC)
Created April 18, 2024, 13:14 (UTC)