I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, which I received on 8 February 2024 for information about the following:
During Covid, I believe prinicipals/contract holders were meant to pass on the funding they received from NHS England to their associates. Furthermore to this, I believe they were meant to sign a declaration that they had done so, around July 2020.
A letter by NHS England dated 14 July said practice owners would need to sign a declaration confirming the payments had been passed on. NHS England also said they would take action should it not be signed/signed falsely.
I never received any payment during the summer months of this year, which I now believe I was entitled to.
I would like to request a copy of this document/declaration, which was signed around July 2020, or perhaps a few months later.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.
However it is possible that NHS England may hold some or all of the information you require. They can be contacted at:
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
Telephone 0300 311 22 33
Email: england.contactus@nhs.net
Web http://www.england.nhs.uk/contact-us/foi/