



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



I have a question about the criteria that NHSBSA/EIBSS use for the Hepatitis Stage 2 criteria and I would be grateful if you could clarify this for me. I may have emailed asking this or a similar question previously but cant remember; I wonder if you might have a copy in your files? At a previous Focus Group meeting that I attended some years ago now in Newcastle a question was raised about “pre paid” funeral plans for those at HCV Stage 2 and the reason EIBSS gave for making these “pre paid” funeral payments to those at Stage 2 was due to the fact that after seeking medical advice EIBSS consider Hepatitis C Stage 2 to be a terminal condition. EIBSS also stated the medical advice is this is not the same for those that have HIV.
Could you advise if NHSBSA/EIBSS use the same criteria today?
Could I also ask you to send me copies of the medical advice EIBSS received confirming the Hepatitis C stage 2 terminal condition criteria and any other medical advice EIBSS have been given confirming HIV is not now considered a terminal condition.


I can confirm that the criteria regarding funeral prepayment plans remains unchanged and can be found on our website at:

This policy has been in place since the England Infected Blood Support Scheme (EIBSS) commencement 1st November 2017.

We do not hold documents on medical advice specifically relating to Hepatitis C Stage 2 and the criteria of the funeral prepayment plan.

The medical advice regarding HIV can be found via a previous FOI response via this link:

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Last Updated March 1, 2024, 17:17 (UTC)
Created March 1, 2024, 17:16 (UTC)