



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



I am investigating the figures around maternity exemption certificate penalties, fines and charges. If I could please have the following figures, I'd be very grateful

1. How many penalty letters were sent to expectant or post-partum mothers regarding collecting prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2022- January 1 2023?

2. How many penalty letters were sent to expectant or post-partum mothers regarding collecting prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2023- January 1 2024?

3. How much money does each penalty letter sent to expectant or post-partum mother regarding collection prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate cost the NHS to send?

4. How much money was collected in fines relating to pregnant women or new mothers obtaining prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2022-January 1 2023?

5. How much money was collected in fines relating to pregnant women or new mothers obtaining prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2023-January 1 2024?

6. How much money was collected in charges relating to pregnant women or new mothers obtaining prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2022-January 1 2023?

7. How much money was collected in charges relating to pregnant women or new mothers obtaining prescriptions without a maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2023-January 1 2024?

8. How many women received multiple penalty charge letters relating to not holding a valid maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2022- January 1 2023?

9. How many women received multiple penalty charge letters relating to not holding a valid maternity exemption certificate from January 1 2023- January 1 2024?

On the 22 January 2024 you clarified the following:

To clarify, I'd really like to know separately the postage cost and the print cost.


I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.

We are unable to find out how many Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) were sent to specifically pregnant women or new mothers. We only know for certain that a patient is/was a pregnant women or new mother when they have/had a valid maternity exemption certificate (MATEX) at the time the prescription was collected.

The below data is referring to PCNs where the MATEX exemption category had been ticked. 

Question 1 – 28,827

Question 2 – 74,407

Question 3 – Print £0.08, Post £0.44

Please note: We don't hold information on the exact cost for a MATEX PCN due to the way the invoicing works, but we can provide an estimated cost based on 23/24 prices. In the request we have defined fines as PCNs, surcharges, and charges as prescription charges. These are not classed as fines, i.e. they aren’t a criminal sanction.

Question 4 – £165,500.45

Question 5 – £784,968.73

Question 6 – £145,217.74

Question 7 – £495,574.21

Question 8 – 2,705

Question 9 – 11,738

Data Queries

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Data and Resources

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Additional Info

Field Value
Contact Information Governance
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated February 19, 2024, 14:15 (UTC)
Created February 19, 2024, 14:12 (UTC)