



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]


I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, which I received on 29 December 2023 for information about the following:

‘I request that a copy of the following documents, or documents containing the following information, be provided to me:

1) The NHS Tradeshift policy document.

2) The NHS alternative payment solutions to the Tradeshift application.

3) The list of all NHS service providers that are using the Tradeshift application.

I believe there are about 91 companies using the Tradeshift application – this will help to smooth the transition of NHS patients to 3rd party organisation, with modernisation to existing transparency laws and FOI Act.

4) The NHS Tradeshift application financial funding and costing allocation.

5) The NHS Tradeshift application service level agreements.

6) The NHS Tradeshift application process and procedure document.

7) The NHS Tradeshift documentation on how/when the application validates the uploaded invoice against the actual delivered services being paid for.

8) The NHS Tradeshift application complaint process and procedure document.

9) (a) The NHS Tradeshift application usage document describing the application flexibility to support Personal Health Budget (PHB) management using Direct payment, Third party payment, Notional budget payment and the combination of all these payment methods.

(b) The Tradeshift and PHB application usage document describing the supported integrated functionality and role of NHS case managers and non-employed NHS case managers ie supporting PHB Third party management with the application.

(c) The Tradeshift and PHB application usage document describing the functionality and role of patient/representative integration with the application.

10) The NHS Tradeshift application required usage consent (Patient/Representative/Service Users) documentation.

11) The NHS Tradeshift system and application failover documents.

12) The NHS Tradeshift service and performance reporting to service users, patient/representative and NHS management.

13) The NHS Tradeshift patients/representative and service users feedback and satisfaction reports.

14) The bank or list of banks used by the NHS Tradeshift application for making payments to service providers.

Document and make clear if NHS Tradeshift uses the services of Prepaid Financial Services or EML Payment Ltd when making payments.

15) The financial reports, monthly and annual breakdown, of NHS Tradeshift application payments for all NCL ICB service users.’


I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.

However, it is possible that other NHS organisations may hold some or all of the information you require.

NHS Shared Business Services may hold some or all of the information you require. However, NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) is a private company created by a joint venture between Sopra Steria Limited and the Department of Health supporting NHS organisations. As a private company, they are not listed as a public authority within the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

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Field Value
Contact Information Governance
Version 1.0
State active
Last Updated January 23, 2024, 13:04 (UTC)
Created January 23, 2024, 13:03 (UTC)