



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



Please could I ask some questions related to McCloud (Public Service Pension Remedy)?

a) How many members (Dentists, GPs and Hospital Doctors) chose to switch to the 2008 section during the choice and choice 2 exercises, split between each?
b) How many members (Dentists, GPs and Hospital Doctors) affected by McCloud have purchased early retirement reduction buy-out (ERRBO)? c) How many members (Dentists, GPs and Hospital Doctors) affected by McCloud opted out between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022? d) How many members (Dentists, GPs and Hospital Doctors) affected by McCloud have purchased additional pension in the 2015 scheme? e) How many members are expected to qualify for compensation following the McCloud remedy and what is the average payout expected to be? You clarified your request on 15th January as follows:

Questions A – D: ‘Members’ to include ‘Hospital Dentists’, General Dental Practitioners (GDP), GPs and Hospital Doctors.

Question B / D: we are looking for those who have purchased: in the McCloud Remedy period (between 01/04/2015 – 31/03/2022)

Question C: Please count only once. Doesn’t matter if they have since opted back in, and/or claimed their pension, or if deceased.


Question A: There are 9,168 members who chose to switch to the 2008 section; 7,550 during Choice 1 exercise and 1,618 during Choice 2 exercise.

Question B: There are 321 members who purchased ERRBO during the remedy period.

Question C There are 14,412 members who have opted out at least once within the remedy period.

Question D: There are 830 members who purchased additional pension during the remedy period.

Question E: following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.

Please read the below notes to ensure correct understanding of the data.

Information regarding NHS Cost Claim Back Scheme be found at the following link - The NHS Cost Claim-back scheme | NHSBSA

Members who opted out within the period may have since returned to the pension scheme, claimed their pension and/or died. Members who are still opted out may no longer be in NHS employment.

Volumes of McCloud affected members is subject to change as data cleansing activities take place and eligibility is reassessed.

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Contact Information Governance
State active
Last Updated February 6, 2024, 15:27 (UTC)
Created February 6, 2024, 14:50 (UTC)