Please provide the average annual pension amount retired members are in receipt of, as follows:
Nurses / Midwives
Doctors / Consultants
On 19 October 2023 you clarified the following:
The information table you propose is perfect, thank you. I would be grateful if you would proceed and provide that info at your convenience, please.
The attached table shows the average pension rates which were in payment as of 30/10/2023 for the respective groups.
Category is largely defined by the Capacity Code and Employment Type combinations assigned to the members ongoing employment (or most recently terminated employment in the event of no ongoing employments)
Capacity Codes and Employment Types are set by the employer.
Dependants and Pension Credit members hold no employments, so their categories are defined as a separate marker held in our database.
Only members who are currently in receipt of benefits as of 30/10/2023 are assessed – i.e. if benefits have been stopped (for example, due to death), they will not be included.
Average pension rate is based on what the current rate in payment currently is for each member. It does not necessarily mean the member has received that amount of money for the last 12 months or will go on to receive it for the following 12 months, as rates can change throughout the year.
General Practitioner – An employment marked as having capacity code 03 (Medical Staff) or 10 (Ophthalmic Practitioner), and Employment Type 5 (Principal Practitioner), 6 (Assistant Practitioner) or 9 (GP Locum/ Locum Practitioner)
General Dental Practitioner – An employment marked as having capacity code 08 (Dental Staff), and Employment Type 5 (Principal Practitioner), 6 (Assistant Practitioner) or 9 (GP Locum/ Locum Practitioner)
Hospital Doctor – An employment marked as having capacity code 03 (Medical Staff) or 10 (Ophthalmic Practitioner), and Employment Type 2 (Non-Specialist) or 3 (Specialist)
Hospital Dentist – An employment marked as having capacity code 08 (Dental Staff), and Employment Type 2 (Non-Specialist) or 3 (Specialist)
Special Class Nurse – An employment marked as capacity code 01 (Nurse (excluding Nursery Nurse)), Midwife,
Data Queries
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