



Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

The NHSBSA's responses to Freedom of Information requests. read full version of description


Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom) [Open Data]



  1. Please state the number of printing devices currently in use within the Service; including MFDs, single function printers, photocopiers and print room devices and how long these agreements are for in years and when the next review will be?
  2. What percentage of your fleet of MFds/printers is in colour vs mono and what are the models in use?
  3. In terms of usage, what is your monthly page volumes for both mono & colour?
  4. Who are the main manufacturers or resellers for the MFDs/photocopiers/printers/Print production devices in use at the service?
  5. Who are the main supplier(s) of printer consumables (Toner, spares, etc)?
  6. Who is your preferred channel partner, if any for supply of PCs and laptops, and how many of each does the service currently have in use, and when do you expect to review any of these to be replaced?
  7. What is the approximate spend on printers, photocopying agreements, rental or lease agreement and/or rentals and service charges during the last financial year?
  8. What is the length of the MFD, stand alone printers and print room device contracts in place, and can you confirm these are Financial Operating agreements?
  9. What are the start and end dates for all printers/MFDs/Print room contracts within your organisation?
  10. Which procurement route or framework was used to procure this solution and what Framework would the service expect to use next?
  11. The named person and their role in your organisation who is in charge of the procurement for printing and any managed print or IT contracts?
  12. Does the service use any Print Management software, if yes, please confirm the product name, who supplies it and when does the current contract or licencing end?
  13. Who supplies your current CCTV services across the Service and when will you next review, and who is the lead contact please?
  14. Please can you confirm the number of Adobe or other PDF software solution licences being used across the business?

  15. Does the service currently use any Audio Visual/LED/LCD displays, interactive touch screen or Teams meeting room hybrid video conference facilities, and if yes, please can you confirm the number of devices, manufacturer, and any term of agreement in place for rental/lease and any maintenance agreements in use and the end date?

  16. Who does the service use for all office supplies, (paper, stationary, inkjet/laser cartridges etc) and please can you advise on the average annual spend across the service?


Question 1

70 printing devices are currently in service with different service plans and contract durations. MFDs contract is valid until February 2024

Question 2

Xerox equipment. Approximately 23% are Black and White and 77% are colour

Question 3

Mono monthly = 1,368,984. Colour = 35,848

Question 4


Question 5


Question 6


Question 7

Xerox MFD and Print - Contract Award Value = £1,214,890.79 - Current Spend = £349,167.6

Question 8

Xerox MFD and Print - 4 years with two 12-month optional extensions

Question 9

Xerox MFD and Print – from 1st February 2020 - 31st January 2024.

Question 10

CCS Multifunctional Devices, Managed Print and Content Services and Records and Information Management

Question 11

The following roles are responsible for the procurement for printing and any managed print or IT contracts: Head of Commercial Services Workplace Manager Please be advised that the names of staff members are exempt from disclosure because the individuals have not consented to the disclosure and is therefore exempt under 40 subsections 2 and 3A (a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as disclosure of this information would be unfair and as such this would breach the UK GDPR first data protection principle because: a) it is not fair to disclose their name to the world and is likely to cause damage or distress. b) these details are not of sufficient interest to the public to warrant an intrusion into the privacy of the individuals.

Question 12

Equitrac Office print management software

Question 13

CCTV is supplied by Robertsons FM our Total FM supplier. They sub contract to a company called Scutum. The contract with Robertsons will run until 2026 with extension options. The lead contact can be found at

Question 14

We use Adobe standard and professional and have 264 licenses

Question 15

Yes, 28. Microsoft. There are no rental / lease agreements

Question 16

Office Depot Contract Award Value = £400,000 over 4 years starting 1st October 2020

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

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Contact Information Governance
State active
Last Updated August 8, 2023, 12:42 (UTC)
Created August 8, 2023, 12:41 (UTC)