I refer to your request under the Freedom of Information Act, which I received on 26 April 2023 for information about the following:
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below.
Powered and Non-Powered Wheelchairs, Specialist Seating and Associated Repairs:
The details we require are:
Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
Usage Figures for Lot No's. 1 to 15
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by the NHS Business Services Authority.
However it is possible that Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) or NHS England may hold some or all of the information you require.
They can be contacted at:
Supply Chain Coordination Limited
Equinox House
City Link
Nottingham, NG2 4LA
Email: foi@supplychain.nhs.uk
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
Telephone 0300 311 22 33
Email: england.contactus@nhs.net
Web http://www.england.nhs.uk/contact-us/foi/