Thank you for your request for information about the following:
The total Employer Owned Errors residing within Pensions Online
The total number of Employer Owned Errors by transaction.
i.e. SD55 Annual Update, SD55 Termination, SD55G, SD55E and SS10
The total number of Employer Owned Errors allocated to Error Type 0401
Your request was received on 15th March 2023 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Question 1
Question 2
Delete: 347
Retro WT/PT: 6161
SD55C: 91,898
SD55E: 38,149
SD55G: 15,321
SD55T: 71,287
SS10: 9,028
SS14: 236
Question 3
The data provided in this FOI response counts Employer Owned Errors from all members, including both clinicians and non-clinicians.
Data Queries
If you have any queries regarding the data provided, or if you plan on publishing the data please contact ensuring you quote the above reference. This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.
If you plan on producing a press or broadcast story based upon the data please contact This is important to ensure that the figures are not misunderstood or misrepresented.
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“NHSBSA Copyright 2023” This information is licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence:
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