Contractor Details - Feb 2025

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Field Value
Data last updated March 5, 2025
Metadata last updated March 5, 2025
Created March 5, 2025
Format CSV
License Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)

Data Dictionary

Column Title Type Description
YEAR_MONTH Year and Month as YYYYMM date

The reporting date when the snapshot of active pharmacies have been counted. Example: 201401

REGION_CODE Region Code string

The unique code used to refer to a Regional Office.

REGION_NAME Region Name string

The name given to a geographical region by NHS England. Each region supports local systems to provide more joined up care for patients.

ICB_CODE Integrated Care Board (ICB) Code string

The unique code used to refer to an ICB.

ICB_NAME Integrated Care Board (ICB) Name string

The name given to a geographical statutory organisation by NHS England that is a smaller division of a Region.

HWB_CODE HWB Code string

The unique code used to refer to a Health and Wellbeing Board

HWB_NAME HWB Name string

The name given to the Health and Wellbeing Board as introduced in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 that the pharmacy resides under.

LPC_CODE LPC Code string

The unique code used to refer to the Local Pharmaceutical Committee

LPC_NAME LPC Name string

The name of the Local Pharmaceutical Committee the pharmacy resides under.

START_DATE The start date for when the contractor was recorded as being active integer

The start date for when the contractor was recorded as being active in YYYYMMDD format

CONTRACTOR_CODE The unique contractor code for pharmacy, appliance, or local pharmaceutical services contractor string

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) code of the premises at which pharmaceutical services may be provided e.g. FW844 . It is also sometimes referred to as OCS code or F code.

CONTRACTOR_NAME The name of the contractor string

The name of the sole trader, partnership, or body corporate

TRADING_NAME Trading name of the contractor string

The name under which a pharmacy contractor, appliance contractor, or local pharmaceutical services contractor trades

ADDRESS_FIELD1 First line of address string

The first line of the address of a premises.

ADDRESS_FIELD2 Second line of address string

The second line of the address of a premises.

ADDRESS_FIELD3 Third line of address string

The third line of the address of a premises.

ADDRESS_FIELD4 Fourth line of address string

The fourth line of the address of a premises.

POST_CODE Post code string

The post code of the address of a premises.

PHONE_NUMBER Phone number number

The phone number listed for the premises

PHARMACY_TYPE Type of pharmacy string

Type of pharmacy contractor, which can be either pharmacy or appliance

CONTRACTOR_TYPE Contractor Type string

Indicates if the pharmacy is attached to a multiple or is a single contractor group

DISPENSER_ACCOUNT_TYPE Dispenser Account Type string

The country and account type of the contractor

PRIVATE_CONTRACTOR Private Contractor Indicator string

Indicates whether the pharmacy is a private contractor. If the pharmacy can dispense private prescriptions i.e. it can submit FP10PCD forms then it will be marked 'Private' in this field.

DISTANCE_SELLING_CONTRACTOR Distance Selling Contractor Indicator string

Indicates that the contractor is registered as a distance selling pharmacy

100_HOUR_PHARMACY_CONTRACTOR 100 Hours Pharmacy Contractor Indicator string

Indicates that the pharmacy was originally established as 100hour contract. NB: These pharmacies may now operate between 72-100 hours per week

OUT_OF_HRS_DISP_CONTRACTOR Out of Hours Dispenser Contractor Indicator string

Indicates that the contractor is an out of hours dispenser

LPS_CONTRACTOR LPS Contractor Indicator string

Indicates that the contractor is an LPS Contractor