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The latest performance data for Overseas Healthcare Services’ (OHS) Cost Recovery service is now available on the Open Data Portal. For more information, including the context behind...
***Due to delays in the accompanying context, we are delaying the release of the dataset for coherence purposes. The data will be released as soon as possible and will cover data from...
The latest performance data for Overseas Healthcare Services’ Cost Recovery service will be published on 27 January 2025 and updated quarterly. Who are Overseas Healthcare Services?...
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Let us know how you use the Open Data Portal

October 4, 2022

The NHS Business Services Authority want to make more of our data open, so that people can innovate and create value across the health and care system.

In early 2020 we launched the Open Data Portal to be the home of open data from the NHSBSA. We have plans to further develop the Open Data Portal and to publish more data in the coming months. You can find out more on our Open Data Portal Roadmap.

We know that the Portal is well used. On a typical day we receive around 2,000 interactions from people exploring the data directly or using the Open Data Portal API to extract the data.

Beyond the usage stats, we have anecdotal stories of how people are using the data to create great value. We would like to issue an open call to users of the Open Data Portal to share their stories on how they are creating value. We would like to share these examples with other users to promote the great work and help foster greater collaboration.

If you would like to share your story, please contact us at

Thank you