1) Please can you provide a break down of the ages of those making a claim to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme for a injury due to a Covid 19 vaccine, by the following...
The total amount of money awarded under the Vaccine Damage Payment programme
since its inception in 1979 until now, broken down by year (please include partial...
Thank you for your request for information about the following:
Since the inception of the scheme, can you please provide the following information.
(a) for all vaccine-injury...
Thank you for your request for information about the following:
‘Please can you make the following dataset available, broken down by month of claim, preferably in a spreadsheet...
How many applications for vaccine damage payments have there been each month since December 2020? Please provide this data broken down by age group.’
On 15 March 2022...
Please may you provide me with the following statistics under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
‘1. The total number of claims made under the Vaccine Damage Payment...