(Finalised) - Secondary Care Medicines Data (SCMD) with indicative price - Jul 2019

SCMD - July 2019

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Data last updated June 12, 2023
Metadata last updated June 12, 2023
Created June 12, 2023
Format CSV
License Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)

Data Dictionary

Column Title Type Description
YEAR_MONTH Year and Month as YYYY-MM number

The year followed by the month of when the medicines were issued. For example: 2019-01

ODS_CODE Organisation Data Service Code string

The Trust's Organisation Data Service Code (ODS), for example R1A. Look up files are provided and maintained by NHS Digital, for example see: Trusts under https://digital.nhs.uk/services/organisation-data-service/data-downloads/other-nhs-organisations.

VMP_SNOMED_CODE Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) SNOMED Code number

The Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) Virtual Medicinal Product's (VMP) SNOMED code. For example: 322236009

VMP_PRODUCT_NAME Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) Product Name string

The Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) Virtual Medicinal Product's Name. For example: Paracetamol 500mg tablets.

UNIT_OF_MEASURE_IDENTIFIER Unit of Measure Identifier number

The unit of measure for the VMP quantity's SNOMED code, or the value 3314211000001106 if there is no value. For example: 428673006.

UNIT_OF_MEASURE_NAME Unit of Measure name string

The Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) unit of measure name for unit of measure identifier, unit dose form unit, or 'no value' if unknown. For example: tablet.

TOTAL_QUANITY_IN_VMP_UNIT Total Quantity in the Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) Unit number

The total quantity of medicines issued in Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d) unit dose form unit that the Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) is defined, rounded to 2 decimal places. For example: 20.

INDICATIVE_COST Indicative Cost number

Indicative cost for the Secondary Care Medicines Data is derived from current medicines pricing data held in NHSBSA data systems including the Common Drug Reference (CDR) database and dm+d calculated to a VMP level. The value will be in pounds and pence