Field | Value |
Data last updated | February 19, 2025 |
Metadata last updated | February 19, 2025 |
Created | February 19, 2025 |
Format | CSV |
License | Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom) |
Column | Title | Type | Description |
YEAR_MONTH | Year and Month as YYYYMM | number | Example: 201401 |
REGIONAL_OFFICE_NAME | Regional Office Name | string | The name given to a geographical region by NHS England. Each region supports local systems to provide more joined up and care for patients. |
REGIONAL_OFFICE_CODE | Regional Office Code | string | The unique code used to refer to a Regional Office. |
ICB_NAME | Integrated Care Board (ICB) Name | string | The name given to a geographical statutory organisation by NHS England that is a smaller division of a Region. |
ICB_CODE | Integrated Care Board (ICB) Code | string | The unique code used to refer to an ICB. |
PCO_NAME | Primary Care Organisation Name | string | An NHS organisation that commissions or provides care services involving prescriptions that are dispensed in the community. For example: a Sub Integrated Care Board Location (SICBL), an NHS Trust. |
PCO_CODE | Primary Care Organisation Code | string | The unique code used to refer to a Primary Care Organisation. |
PRACTICE_NAME | Practice Name | string | The name of an organisation that employs one or more prescribers who issue prescriptions that may be dispensed in the community. For example:a GP Practice, an Out-of-Hours service, a hospital department within an NHS Trust. |
PRACTICE_CODE | Practice Code | string | The unique code used to refer to a Practice. |
ADDRESS_1 | Address Field 1 | string | The Address used by a Practice. This data is supplied by Primary Care Support England (PSCE), NHS England ICBs or the SICBL, whenever a new practice is opened or if a change of details is required. |
ADDRESS_2 | Address Field 2 | string | The Address used by a Practice. This data is supplied by Primary Care Support England (PSCE), NHS England ICBs or the SICBL, whenever a new practice is opened or if a change of details is required. |
ADDRESS_3 | Address Field 3 | string | The Address used by a Practice. This data is supplied by Primary Care Support England (PSCE), NHS England ICBs or the SICBL, whenever a new practice is opened or if a change of details is required. |
ADDRESS_4 | Address Field 4 | string | The Address used by a Practice. This data is supplied by Primary Care Support England (PSCE), NHS England ICBs or the SICBL, whenever a new practice is opened or if a change of details is required. |
POSTCODE | Post Code | string | The Address used by a Practice. This data is supplied by Primary Care Support England (PSCE), NHS England ICBs or the SICBL, whenever a new practice is opened or if a change of details is required. |
BNF_CHEMICAL_SUBSTANCE | British National Formulary (BNF) Chemical Substance Code | string | A unique code used to refer to a BNF Chemical Substance.For example, 0501013B0 |
CHEMICAL_SUBSTANCE_BNF_DESCR | British National Formulary (BNF) Chemical Substance Description | string | The name of the main active ingredient in a drug or the type of an appliance. Determined by the British National Formulatory (BNF) for drugs, or the NHS BSA for appliances. For example, Amoxicillin |
BNF_CODE | British National Formulary (BNF) Code | string | The unique code used to refer to a BNF Presentation. For example, 0501013B0AAABAB |
BNF_DESCRIPTION | British National Formulary (BNF) Description | string | The name given to the specific type, strength, and formulation of a drug; or, the specific type of an appliance. For example, Amoxicillin 500mg capsules |
BNF_CHAPTER_PLUS_CODE | British National Formulary (BNF) Description | string | The name given to a British National Formulatory (BNF) Chapter that includes the prescribed product. Includes the numerical code used to refer to the chapter.For example, 05: Infections |
QUANTITY | Quantity | number | The quantity of a medicine, dressing or appliance for which an individual item was prescribed and dispensed, for each BNF Presentation. This represents a pseudo pack size, to illustrate the typical range of prescribed quantities of a given presentation. For example, a quantity of 28 for Amoxicillin 500mg capsules means that the pack size dispensed was 28 capsules. |
ITEMS | Items | number | The number of times a product appears on a prescription form. Prescription forms include both paper prescriptions and electronic messages. |
TOTAL_QUANTITY | Total Quantity | number | The total quantity of a drug or appliance that was prescribed.This is calculated by multiplying Quantity by Items. For example, if 2 items of Amoxicillin 500mg capsules with a quantity of 28 were prescribed, total quantity will be 56. |
ADQUSAGE | Average Daily Quantity (ADQ) | number | Average Daily Quantity (ADQ) is the typical daily dose of a medication, prescribed to adult patients by GP Practices.This field shows the quantity prescribed multiplied by the strength, which is then divided by the Average Daily Quantity value. |
NIC | Net Ingredient Cost (NIC) | number | In GBP. The amount that would be paid using the basic price of the prescribed drug or appliance and the quantity prescribed.Sometimes called the "Net Ingredient Cost" (NIC).The basic price is given either in the Drug Tariff or is determined from prices published by manufacturers, wholesalers or suppliers. Basic price is set out in Parts 8 and 9 of the Drug Tariff. For any drugs or appliances not in Part 8, the price is usually taken from the manufacturer, wholesaler or supplier of the product. |
ACTUAL_COST | Actual Cost | number | In GBP. The basic cost after adjustment for the national average discount and some payments to the dispenser.See notes for details of the calculation. The calculation is:Net Ingredient Cost - National Average Discount Percentage + (payment for consumables + out of pocket expenses + payment for containers) |
UNIDENTIFIED | Unidentified | string | This field shows data from prescription forms that could not be allocated to a Practice. Please see the guidance notes for a more detailed explanation of this field, and its uses. |
SNOMED_CODE | Presentation SNOMED code | number | A SNOMED CT (Systemised Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) is a clinical vocabulary readable by computers. The SNOMED code contained within the data is a unique identifier for each Medicinal Product (both VMP and AMP level). The identifier will not be re-used and or allocated to another presentation. |