
Prescription data from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (REN) #3

Open duncane opened this issue · 0 comments
duncane commented 11 months ago

What is happening with the prescription data which comes from the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre (ODS Code REN)? I work with a small lung cancer charity and we use the SCMD data to do analysis to estimate patient numbers for our rare lung cancer. For most trusts across England the SCMD data closely matches our expectations for the number of patients. However for REN the data appears to be fairly accurate and as we would expect up until March 2021, and then they almost seem to stop reporting all their data. The drugs in question are Alectinib, Brigatinib, Crizotinib, Ceritinib and Lorlatinib (I can provide SNOMED refs if required). However a cursory inspection seems to indicate there are other SCT drugs which are also probably not being reported by REN. Is there a valid reason why this trust is not reporting accurate data?