
Change to the ‘default’ compressed file type (.ZIP -> .GZ) #10

Open m_smith opened this issue · 0 comments
m_smith commented 10 months ago

Changes to the ‘standard’ compressed file type

In response to feedback from our users, we've made some adjustments to the default file type when downloading compressed data files from the Open Data Portal. When downloading large data files using either the ‘Data Explorer’ or through an API connection, which requires compression, we have changed the standard compressed file type from .ZIP back to .GZ. This change is aimed at enhancing accessibility for alternative API connection methods and reducing download latency.

The Data Explorer

When downloading through the data explorer, you will be presented with different options (below) if the file requires compression. These will generate .gz compressed file.

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API Connections

Although there are multiple ways to connect via an API, it is worth noting that the standard compressed file type is now .GZ. You may need to make appropriate adjustments to your code.

We have updated and refined the example API codes accordingly, accessible via the following button within each File page.

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Any issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our support team DataServicesSupport@nhsbsa.nhs.uk.

Warm regards,

Michael Smith
Service Lead - Open Data